Session Options and Rates

How Much will It Cost?*

Services are affordable and reasonable! These are programs for real people, remember? There are endless options available to get you to your fitness goals. Contact Izzy and hear for yourself. Here are just some of the options available. Contact information for scheduling is located on the Get Fit Now! page.

Private Sessions (Individual)

Assessment Combo          $60, includes a posture and a movement assessment

10-Pack Private Session (1 Person) $40 each visit = $400 per session pack (ten visits)

10-Pack Couples Session (2 Persons) $30 each visit = $300 per session pack (ten visits)

10-Pack Semi-Private Session (3 Persons) $20 each visit = $200 per session pack (ten visits)

Group Sessions

Small Group Classes (4-9 participants)

$15 per class per person - 10 classes prepaid @ $150 for each session pack

Large Group Classes (10+ Persons)

$10 per class per person - 10 classes prepaid @ $100 for each session pack

Support Services - Coaching and Weekly Workouts 

With the support service you will receive regular personal coaching and assistance developing an individual plan that fits your body and lifestyle. As part of the plan, you will receive emails or texts with Izzy’s bootcamp workout of the week to do at home. These services are available for clients who are actively scheduling private sessions weekly or biweekly. The additional support service fee is $25 weekly, when combined with a minimum pack of ten sessions. Entirely optional, this service is a great kick start and motivator for both you and your metabolism  - stay on track and see results with a personalized plan. 

How Do Izzy's Services, Rates and Session Lengths Compare to Other Trainers?

From the start, you will receive a more personalized approach to your training. Izzy has many credentials and takes teaching proper form seriously. Izzy is a stickler for making sure that you are receiving the best care and attention that she can provide from her background. Private, semi-private and small group sessions are structured based on the results of any assessments performed or observations of muscle strength, balance and posture made during her visits with you. She will provide modifications and recommendations for exercises to help work towards your goals.

As for time moving - you will get much more move time with Izzy. Compared to other facilities and studios, there is a considerable advantage for Izzy's clients - as most studios do not provide as much time for the actual workout. 

As for cost - you are getting more training time for the price and the hourly rate is much lower compared to area studios.  For example, a typical private session at a studio will cost $75 plus fees for a 50-minute visit, and the trainer does not even come to you like Izzy!

* Please note that the rates listed on this site are subject to change. Payment is required in full at time of first session.   Sessions must be scheduled weekly or biweekly to maintain these rates. Additionally, rates for clients located out of the local area (15-mile travel radius) are subject to a travel surcharge based on distance. Support services such as workouts and coaching between sessions are an additional, albeit affordable, cost. For first time clients of private, couple, and semi-private sessions, a posture assessment will be included at no charge with the purchase of the first 10-pack session; this assessment is required for services. If time permits and it is appropriate based on your expressed goals and current physical health, a movement assessment will also be performed at no charge with the posture assessment. Izzy recommends a posture and movement assessment to be performed again after a year or if after there is any major change in health or an injury is incurred. For her regular clients, she typically performs these at no charge when there is reason to believe that changes should be reviewed and documented to address goals and progress.